
Friday, November 03, 2023 names names of the 12 Democrats who voted for the Johnson bill kneecapping the IRS, a bill Biden pledged to veto.

 Link. The twelve are:

Here are the 12 Democrats who voted for the GOP-led Israel aid bill:

  • Rep. Angie Craig of Minnesota
  • Rep. Donald Davis of North Carolina
  • Rep. Lois Frankel of Florida
  • Rep. Jared Golden of Maine
  • Rep. Josh Gottheimer of New Jersey
  • Rep. Greg Landsman of Ohio
  • Rep. Jared Moskowitz of Florida
  • Rep. Darren Soto of Florida
  • Rep. Haley Stevens of Michigan
  • Rep. Juan Vargas of California
  • Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida
  • Rep. Frederica S. Wilson of Florida

Reporting on the situation, in general w/o naming names is widespread on the web.

Search = johnson republican israel aid bill approved 226-196, 12 Democrats voting for it 

CSPAN. YahooNews. Reuters. NPR. AP. WaPo. NYTimes. $14 billion war money In addition to amounts per JNS.

The list of twelve is certainly heavy on Florida Dem Reps. Including the former DNC head who wrongly disadvantaged Bernie back in 2016, Wasserman Schultz.

UPDATE: links to the roll call vote page, uses a Nebraska Examiner image, and has unique coverage:

The 14-page bill, one of the first major tests for newly elected GOP Speaker Mike Johnson of Louisiana, doesn’t include additional funding for Ukraine, Taiwan or the U.S. Southern border — all of which the Biden administration requested last month.

House debate on the Israeli spending bill fell largely along party lines, as did the 226-196 vote to approve the legislation. Two Republicans, Georgia’s Marjorie Taylor Greene and Kentucky’s Thomas Massie, voted against the bill while 12 Democrats voted for it.

[...] The House GOP proposed paying for the new spending for Israel by cutting an equal amount of funding for the Internal Revenue Service that Democrats included in their signature climate change and health care package in 2022.

But several organizations, including the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, said that so-called “pay for” would actually increase the federal deficit by at least $12 billion by eroding the IRS’ ability to enforce that everyone pays their taxes.

Ultimately, Johnson will need to negotiate a bipartisan, bicameral spending package with the three other congressional leaders and President Joe Biden. That will be a new experience for Johnson in his debut as speaker.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a New York Democrat, said on the floor Wednesday the House’s Israel aid bill was a “joke” that “needlessly politicizes aid to Israel.”

“It’s utterly baffling, baffling that at a moment that demands maximum bipartisanship — when the country is in crisis and our friends in Israel and Ukraine are in crisis — that the House GOP is instead trying to pick an egregiously partisan fight over wealthy tax cheats,” Schumer said.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican who staunchly supports more aid for Ukraine, dismissed Johnson’s decision to exclude aid for Ukraine, Taiwan and the U.S.-Mexico border from this spending bill.

“In order to make a law, it has to pass both bodies and be signed by the president,” McConnell said Tuesday, after noting that “conceptually” he and Schumer are in the same place on how to construct the bill.

And there you have Speaker Mike "Sarah Palin" Johnson, standing tall and proving he is who he is and has been, (with others unimpressed). The beat goes on.

FURTHER: As previously noted Crabgrass is adamantly against the Israeli butchery of Gazan civilians, and hence opposes any further U.S. money to Israel. Crabgrass is also a Ukraine skeptic, aware that an audit is due of whose hands U.S. money has ended up in among Ukrainians and U.S. defense contractors, but with no answer to the status quo other than to push Ukraine to negotiate with Russia in good faith and without any options off the table, while cutting money off entirely is not a sound option given how we got to where we are funding a proxy war with Russia. Also, it is NATO funding the proxy war, with others being NATO members who can do interim total funding until the U.S. situation is clarified.

FURTHER: The sidebar image is helpful in documenting it is not merely Johnson as a loose cannon pushing something suspect; but it is Johnson with his leadership team at play, (with one standing a step apart whether that is making a statement of some kind or happenstance). 

FURTHER: That image is a classic. It looks as if Hollywood is producing a "Mr. Johnson Goes to Washington" film, where central casting found an ideal "Johnson" actor, and supporting cast, the Johnson actor looking almost too earnest, the supporting cast scripted to look a tad skeptical, but there as props. 

Emmer sure looks as if having a case of Potomic fever. They go there as locals, they catch the fever and become enmeshed critters for as long as they can. From local campaigning on rollerblades to an appearance as if a film prop. Transitioning.