
Thursday, October 19, 2023

Guardian reporting on conditions in Gaza.

 Thurs Oct. 19, 2023.

Tues Oct. 17, 2023.

Wed Oct. 18, 2023.

From the first cited report:

Oxfam has been providing humanitarian relief for people caught up in war for decades. We do this in Somalia, Yemen and Syria, and we have been doing this in Palestine for decades. But what is happening in Gaza today is unprecedented.

These people on the other side of the world are, each, as human as you or me, and I would be angered were I made to suffer the worse way Oxfam has seen.

I would be angered were bombs killing family. I would want water to drink.

I would never want to be shell shocked from continuous bomb blasts.

Suffering such things would harden my heart toward perpetrators. 

And I am not a bloodthirsty or vengeful person. Just a normal world citizen.

Things are troubling news, and the ground assault has yet to happen. It will not be humane. Ground assaults by their nature are never humane. They are brutal. They kill and maim. This is Goliath pounding the shit out of a slingless, stoneless David. The side with state of the art airplanes and guided bombs against the state without any. With dense civilian packing in places being bombed. It takes an ugly people to do this.