
Friday, September 22, 2023

SeattleTimes carries Bloomberg item, "Microsoft is rolling out generative AI in Windows and Office app"

Link.  Recollection:

That was not in the report. It was an added thought. The report notes:

Microsoft’s Copilot-branded AI assistants will provide a unified experience across operating systems, applications and devices, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said Thursday at an event in New York. As an example, Microsoft showed how a user can ask Copilot to find a flight booking from text messages.

[...] The Office product, unveiled in March, has been in testing with about 600 customers and will cost $30 per user a month on top of what most business customers already pay. The product lets workers uses data from the web as well as a company’s internal information, to do things like analyze spreadsheets, generate slide shows and predict future business issues. 

Microsoft announced the Windows product in May, saying it would be accessible from a PC screen taskbar button that opens a side panel customers can use as an assistant. The tool lets one copy and paste text, as well as rewrite, summarize and explain content, among other tasks. Windows users can also ask the Copilot questions as they can with the Bing AI chat.

Thirty bucks per user per month, for paperclip redux? How is Linux doing these days? Linux, without Cortana. Without OpenAI. Without a built in Chatbot.

Mozilla has a very fine browser, FireFox.


ChatGPT4 passed the bar exam? I want to see it try a case. Link.

I want to see it represent Hunter Biden.

I want to see it investigate Hunter Biden. Put it on both sides of the Hunter Biden paradox. I want to see it testify to Republicans with an agenda against it.

I want to see it decide the best of the current batch of Republican presidential wannabes, how it makes comparisons, how it would investigate histories on the web. Microsoft, headlong into attempted justification of the billions it pumped into OpenAI, might be barking up a wrong tree, making decisions on sunk costs.