
Thursday, September 28, 2023

If the Republican fumblers and Bumsteads shut the government down as looks likely, does it mean they will have to suspend their impeachment bleating for the duration?

 That is today's big question, not who won/lost among the seven contestants.

Things are getting very dicey. The shutdown, the impeachment thing, so far without any "show me the money" against Joe; Hunter being a different person.

And for a trifecta. Hunter is suing Rudy Guiliani and Bob Costello, while Bob Costello is suing Rudy Guiliani. With those examples, is it a surprise the Senate faces a backlog of judicial nominees. Suit happy people. Roy Cohn was the lawsuit champ, but now he is dead. Trump had Cohn as his lawyer, and learned. Now Hunter is stepping up to the plate. 

Civil complaints. Criminal indictments. It keeps justice in contention.

Is it The New American Way?

("Fumblers and Bumsteads" is, I am told, a term Bobby Hull used in once describing Chicago Blackhawks management personnel. In too many places the term fits.)


As to fumblers and Bumsteads, Marcy Wheeler, who has a better grasp of facts and a better sense of irony than Crabgrass, writes of Republican impeachment leadership intentions: 

Republicans Plan to Declare Trump’s Entire Business Model a High Crime and Misdemeanor

Wheeler does a tightly written compare-and-contrast of Trump family Chinese dealings with Hunter Biden's "trading on the brand" in Chinese dealings. Not that it makes Hunter look good for what he did while Joe was out of office, but it shows Trump, himself and kin, did comparable stuff while Trump was in office. Go figure.