
Monday, September 18, 2023

Hunter Biden sues the IRS.

The suit is much discussed online, e.g.,  AP and Reuters.

Readers may conduct their own web searching, the focus here is the report published by Emptywheel, which speaks for itself and which links to an online complaint copy, and a previous letter between counsel. (Sent, Abbe Lowell to DOJ Special Counsel, Aug.14, 2023; cc to Inspector General, DOJ).

Of interest here, two things, first among relief sought:

D. Ordering Defendant to produce to Mr. Biden all documents in its possession, custody, or control regarding the inspection, transmittal, and/or disclosure of Mr. Biden’s confidential tax return information;
E. Ordering the IRS to formulate, adopt, and implement a data security plan that satisfies the requirements of the Privacy Act;

They want the paper and e-trail, and want as a precedent, a formulation of a plan for how the IR is, in the future, to honor citizen rights under the Privacy Act.  Bravo.

Second, early in the Complaint:

18. Non-party Attorney A is an attorney who represents Mr. Shapley in connection with his IRS whistleblower testimony and public statements related to Mr. Biden’s confidential tax information. Attorney A previously worked as Associate Counsel for the Office of the White House Counsel under former President Donald J. Trump. At all relevant times, Attorney A acted as an authorized agent of Mr. Shapley and, therefore, had apparent and actual authority to act on Mr. Shapley’s behalf, including with the improper release of tax return information.

19. Non-party Attorney B is an attorney who is President of Empower Oversight and represents Mr. Shapley and Mr. Ziegler in connection with their IRS whistleblower testimony and their public statements related to Mr. Biden’s confidential tax information. Attorney B recently announced he is running as a GOP candidate for West Virginia state House, and previously worked for the United States Office of Special Counsel under former President Donald J. Trump. At all relevant times, Attorney B acted as an authorized agent of Mr. Shapley and, therefore, had apparent
and actual authority to act on Mr. Shapley’s behalf, including with the improper release of tax return information.

Trump former DOJ lawyers are behind the so-called "whistleblowers," and their host of TV appearances trading in Hunter Biden's private income tax matters.

Political to a fault. 

DOJ has not acted against the two IRS agents, nor their lawyers, regarding Privacy Act matters, other than having the IRS investigation terminated in May 2023. A guess is the paper and e-trail leading up to that step would be part of what Biden's lawyers want disclosed. See, also, the ABC published timeline re Biden investigation(s). How and why the IRS team was shut down seems of interest to the public, while members of the public may wonder why Privacy Act matters which they could face were overridden, easily, without consequences to those breaching privacy on multiple TV shows.
