
Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Hunter Biden has now sued Rudy and Rudy's lawyer. EmptyWheel has the story sufficiently structured (with links) so that linking there, rather than posting detail fits reader interests best.


EmptyWheel - with that above image of copies of the Hunter laptop hard drive spreading like a contagion; an epidemic.

The latest Hunter Biden lawsuit: online here.

Readers are encouraged to simply log onto

Then simply read sequentially the posts there, one about the computer store owner's description of intereaction with FBI personnel before they had a warrant to examine the laptop he'd turned over to them. Searching before having a search warrant to search being bad practice. All the recent EW posts are worth the time it takes to read.

The more one sees about the circus show handling of "the laptop" the more one can see why DOJ was eager to cut a plea deal - as they did, covering all the mis-tracks they'd left, FBI personnel and all, swept under the carpet away from prying public eyes. 

The Hunter Biden position is that the deal DOJ cut still binds them, regardless of the one judge calling it into question. That it ties their hands. The judge would not go along, but they proposed the deal, negotiated, and drafted the paperwork defining what the deal terms and conditions would be. And the thing is moved from that judge's court.

Without the House Republican screeching, things would have been so much cleaner. For everybody. The feeling here is Weiss should be bound by the deal his DOJ folks cut.

And does anyone believe that the handling of "the laptop" does not destroy its admissibility as credible chain-of-custody evidence of anything? Or that FBI handling of it should not result in suppression of it and all contents as evidence?