
Thursday, August 24, 2023

Last night our friends the Republicans had a gab fest. I'd have watched if the ground rule was each had to cleanly recite a segment of Hamilton, but such amusement value - reportedly - was absent.

 Reportedly because I did not watch. Cutting through the clutter:

Google search = winners losers 2024 firsrt republican debate (reports: past 24 hours)

If a consensus appears to have emerged from all the punditry, try to find it.

Crabgrass will not poison reader initiative by focus and quote, one online punditry over another. Check it all out.

As to who might have done best, the Hamilton segment test, readers can simply guess. Fluid and rhythmic style would matter. Enunciation.


This is going to be less clinically pure than the above give-link-turn-readers-loose

First: Brietbart:

Local Minnesota opinion, Gary Gross from St Cloud area -

Last, Google = tucker trump how many watched

Why Breitbart? It has been a Republican outlet since before Breitbart's death. It seems the Mercer family, a major funding source for Breitbart and/or the site's editors are in the Trump camp; and the debate lacked Trump. Why not?

Gary's prior post -

Agree or disagree, Gary is clear in stating his opinion. He likes DeSantis.

Why the Google? Keeping feet grounded in reality always seems worth doing.

I cannot figure one good reason anyone would like Trump. But - they do.

_________FURTHER UPDATE__________

Mitch Berg posted today, but not about Republican Presidential candidacies. If there are any other MN GOP pundits around besides Gary and Mitch, I do not know of them or their work. The field narrowed when Andy Aplikowski quit posting.

Andy is still active among the Republicans in Minnesota. His blogging was a barometer of his candid thoughts while he posted.