
Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Kamala Harris is just fine. Presumably Biden runs and again prevails over a multi-indictment challenger, then Dean Phillips worry, talking "acturial" seems a possible Harris elevation to the Presidency, should Biden's health fail. Talking age is indirectdly talking a Harris sucession. What's wrong with a Harris succession?

Strib on Monday published a locally authored item about Phillips, headlined, "

'Perhaps in the future': Rep. Phillips signals he's unlikely to run for president in 2024 ---The Minnesota Democrat is urging President Joe Biden to "pass the torch." 

And with that, the detail of the story fleshes things out, while the headline speaks.

If Biden is reelected and cannot finish a full term, then in 2028 Harris would be an incumbent, likely seeking her first elected term.

Biden has surprised by being more progressive than his past suggested. He has had money enough and donors enough, and from the start said 


Nothing has fundamentally changed. However, progressives have not been ones critical of Biden's management. Ones such as Josh Gottdheimer have been the foot dragging Clintonian relics. Yes, check Wikipedia. Clintonian Josh, a reminder -

enough is enough. too much has been TOO MUCH

With Biden rooted in the conservative part of the party, being better than anticipated, what part of the party is Phillips in? Hint: Glen Taylor's Strib calls him "moderate."

Harris vs Phillips, as a hypothetical? You decide.
Briefly, here is the part of Strib's item that speaks loudest:

Biden is the oldest sitting president in U.S. history and would be 82 at the time of a potential second inauguration. Yet, that fact hasn't helped Phillips build much public momentum for viable alternatives. And even though a group of younger Republicans are running for president on the GOP side, Trump remains the frontrunner and is set to turn 78 next year.

"I'm not the first person in the United States of America to recognize that we face an actuarial issue with both candidates. ... Not just President Biden, but also former President Trump," Phillips said. "When I say actuarial issue, all you have to do is look at an actuarial table to understand the likelihood of either of these men living through the end of the next term, period."

Yet Phillips said if Biden is the Democratic nominee, he will strongly support the president's bid.

"I will do everything I can to ensure he is re-elected despite my concerns, because they don't even come close to the concerns that I have about his likely opponent," Phillips said.

Even within Democratic circles, Phillips was not a nationally known name before his dance with a 2024 bid. Being this public about the presidential race has given Phillips the kind of national media attention that he hasn't had during much of his three terms in Congress.

But breaking from Democratic leaders so publicly about the 2024 primary may also threaten Phillips' ability to win higher office at the state and federal level in the future.

"Let me assure you, if I wanted to raise my profile as a Democrat, do you think this is the way I would have gone about it?" Phillips said, noting the "extraordinary amount of heat" he's taken from the establishment and local activists.

 He raised his profile. Going about it that way. Facts speak.

Phillips still keeps media attention, never once uttering the word "Harris."

Give him credit for that. And -

Does he mean pass the torch to Harris? Or - step aside, allow a free for all? A greater degree of clarity might help citizens' understandings.