
Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Guardian, in April of this year. And then days ago.

 April 12, 2023.

Aug. 29, 2023.

Op-Ed Aug. 28, 2023. Stating mid-item -

DeSantis was elected with 4,076,186, or 49.6% of the vote, just 0.4 points more than Gillum. However, both candidates were dwarfed by the winning tally of amendment 4, which passed with almost 65% of the vote (a bit more than 1m votes than DeSantis). Amendment 4 was monumental not only because it was a constitutional amendment to restore voting rights for felons – aside from murderers and sex offenders – but because it was meant to undo the white supremacist poll tax first instituted to keep Black people from voting during Jim Crow.

DeSantis gutted the law – with a federal judge calling his intervention an “unconstitutional pay-to-vote system” – and instituted an elections police force that would go on to arrest older Black people for voting and criminalize honest misunderstandings of the law.

DeSantis would later up the ante, demanding that state legislators abandon their own redistricting maps in favor of his proposed gerrymander, which effectively eliminated Representative Al Lawson’s seat and doomed the Black congressman’s re-election bid.

I am not familiar with Florida politics. I read this and it seems extreme.

I believe DeSantis is not Presidential. Somewhere along the line he will bump into criticism that FOX moderators and co-candidates - Republicans - declined to put into the record at this time. DeSantis will have to deal with it, seemingly having so far avoided it in any widespread press coverage. Florida is Florida. It is not a model for a nation. Being able to vote without harassment is a right and not some gate-keepered skin color thing. Fair districtding is intrinsically superior to unfair districting - with DeSantis on the wrong side of that clearly correct standard.

Or so it seems. Guardian, an ocean away, sees what it sees and reports what it thinks is needed. This is not a conspiracy to "get" DeSantis. It seems a legitimate consideration when evaluating the man. If there is favorable European coverage of DeSantis, Crabgrass has not found it.


The best way to explain the aversion Crabgrass holds toward Ron DeSantis is to say he resembles Steve Bannon, as if having served on the same vessel during Navy years; and that each rings the bell here as being equally fit to preside over our nation.

It is subjective. It is objective in the sense all evidence as encountered online seems to bolster the comparison, and the guess is many may disagree with me while quite many more would agree.

The guess is the more you study that pair the stronger the resemblance would become. Others are left to flesh out that idea since the effort will not be taken here.