
Friday, July 21, 2023

Republicans are in a strange straddle. They seem unaware of it or indifferent to it, but they make a joke of themselves in trying to define Joe Biden two entirely inconsistent ways.

 Joe Biden is old, senile, a wreck and a risk?

Joe Biden is a cagey crook, in it for the money for him and Hunter, and he shook down Ukraine and is paling around with the Chinese?

Consistency be damned. Those are both presently advanced Republican talking points, and it strains credibility of all but the media people, who happily play along.


The Crabgrass opinion is that Joe Biden is who he's always been, as to Anita Hill and the Clarence Thomas hearings and how he handled them; as to his "bankruptcy reform" past, where he championed as tip of the spear the concept that student loan debtors be denied bankruptcy as an option.

He serves those who, over his career, have allowed and helped him become a millionaire as a career politician.

He is a lesser evil than Trump. 

(Just as we see Schumer being an identical marginally lesser evil than McConnell.)

One might think America is bigger and more vigorous than earning lesser evil political choices time after time. But reconcile that wish with reality.

John Kennedy seemed the only real President during my lifetime, not perfect but talented and thoughtful, and they killed him early in things. He wanted to contain Dimona-proliferation, exchanging letters with Ben-Gurion mid-1973; and he fired Allen Dulles. Ending up dead Nov. 1973, half his brain blown away, Zapruder film, lone deranged single Book Depository located shooter they say. 

LBJ took over, USS Liberty cover-up.

Gerald Ford, President Pardon-Me.

We even had the two Bush monstrosity, making Trump look not so bad.

LBJ and his nasty massively up-scaled U.S. boots on the ground "contain China" deadly crappy war. Ruining the nation's foreign policy trust while pushing breakthrough domestic civil rights reform. Nixon and K, with their work with China instead approach; all else about each of that Nixon-K pair being crap.

Jimmy Carter, born again, anchoring us in Afghanistan with all who followed in step, until Trump set a timetable and Biden met it.

End of story.