
Saturday, July 29, 2023

Emmer in the news.

 search = Emmer's letterhead nation undercut by biased media and deep-pocketed far-left billionaires George Soros, Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg. 

See, e.g., Times of Israel. JTA.

Emmer is not anti-Jews.* If anything, he is too pro-Zionism. 

But he is laughable characterizing those three men as "far-left."  As laughable as his predecessor in MN CD6. Better behaved, but in this instance as laughable.

Wholly unrealistic, is what he is. 

A bad judge of people.

Remember, before circumstances shifted, his favored crypto witness was Jewish. A witness he praised for guardrails against fraud.


*The term "antisemite" is avoided. It offends. Arabic is a Semitic language and the Palestinians are Semitic people. Hence Israeli oppression of conquered Palestinian Arabs, the Israeli nation's apartheid is quintessentially antisemitic. Better usage = anti-Arab, or anti-Jew. That clears ambiguity. Moreover, Ashkenazi Jews are not entirely Semitic but genetically a Semitic and European mix. Yiddish is not a Semitic language. Hebrew is.