
Wednesday, June 14, 2023

In an earlier post the notion of over-classification, and "Let's see exactly what the supposed critical national security documents say" were themes. This fits.

ZeroHedge noting Tucker Carlson third Twitter screed postulated an exact time and date Trump became enemy of entrenched Washington, a/k/a the Deep State.

Read it there. Think about it. Durden poses Carlson's akin questioning of war as first policy in foreign affairs; which indirectly suggests Carlson's now a Deep State target.

What needs questioning, is the WAR budget, since to perpetuate it the DoD needs to have wars going on, else the total presumptuousness of it shines too brightly to hide.

The suggestion here is that the extremely high funding of DoD is the problem, not foreign policy, alone, but the need to continue deceiving the People about risk and fear in a world where the U.S. is still the 800 pound gorilla in events.

With less wasted on the Pentagon, think of the infrastructure and housing possibility.