
Friday, June 30, 2023

A headline of the morning news is, "Supreme Court says considering race in college admissions is unconstitutional."

And we still have gender biased locker rooms.

The thrust of this decision, carried to its logical extreme, is that an egalitarian admission policy is required, and that contributions to a university endowment fund should not tilt the balance to where Jared Kushner and his brother would be lucky to get into Iowa State regardless of how many millions dad gave Harvard.

Entitlement to a gentleman's C will be next norm to fall. Trump would be unable to get a degree in this brave new world. 


Extrapolating Citizens United to its logical extreme, should a corporate person have a fully equal shot at university admission as a human person? It seems to follow.

Where is the fault in the logic?

Another logical extreme, Jarad and his brother should have held an equal shot as any Lutheran at getting into Bethel University in Minnesota. It stands to reason.

Dumb people equally entitled to attend MIT? Why not that next?

In fact, why not just say Leonard Leo gets to say who can go to college and who cannot? Go for efficiency. Cut out the middlemen in those silly looking black robes who have their law clerks write interminably long and turgid sophistry. Decreasing their job load that way would give them more leisure time for paid junketing with wealth. Meeting their main function easier that way. Efficiently.

Streamline, streamline, streamline. More clearly define The American Way.

____________FURTHER UPDATE___________

Is there any reason to take the time to read the opinions? This 6-3 decision rings back to the 5-4 Gore v. Bush decision, where little reason existed to read it.

Racism exists and needs to be sensibly addressed with an acknolwedgement of its existence, not with a blind eye saying in an ideal world it would not exist, and then grounding a decision on how things should be rather than on how they are.

A broken car, you look for what's broken, and fix it. You do not consider it in a hypothetical sense, every individual part seprately thought over. You look at the past pattern of defect and remediation, and you pay attention to the probability of weaknesses in a design which, in the abstract, should have no weaknesses. 

Reality cannot be thrown out the window.

Yes, some Asians meet quotas against them, and it is wrong. There is no history of Asians having overwhelmingly overpowered past history. That case differs from Black and White, where the Dred Scott decision was. 

And the biases underlying the Dred Scott decision reach in hearts and minds of too many, it still lives, where fairness requires it be extinguished however long that may take, where policy against injustice in its most general sense, in its rational aim, is best if quicker and more effective rather than pretty in some idealized grand-cosmic-scheme blind-to-reality sense.

As long as Tiger Woods in the minds of a majority is regarded as the greatest Black golfer so far in the nation, but not as the greatest Asian-American golfer, something is askance in the national outlook, needing attention. Same with VP Harris, first woman and Black VP. Also, first Asian American VP. 

Realities are bigger than sophistries, no matter how much Roberts and Thomas love the latitude sophistry allows them to ignore reality. Or worse, to embrace and enhance a wrong reality, such as money talks per Citizens United. Sophistry is highly elastic, and those dudes love it.

A major question in affirmative recognition of past racist error with lingering rooting in the hearts and minds of too many, is how do you prevent the pendulum swinging too far the other way. To say the pendulum stops dead center is to stop the clock from running. Which is what this silly decision does in the face of how is a nation best governed being the basic question where, by decree, stopping the pendulum dead center is nasty and stupid. But for now, 6-3 is the numerical balance between nasty and stupid, biased toward entrenched money and power, vs enlightenment. 

Enlightenment gets snuffed, by a two to one imbalance.

_________FURTHER UPDATE__________

Why seize upon a single element of a facade? Why not?