
Wednesday, May 10, 2023

There are issues, and then, there are issues. Meaning, emotion mongering exists, and our economy exists. Pick your field of battle.

 Keeping it short, hopefully. Breitbart, on Tucker/FOX, today, here, here and here.

DeSantis, trailing Trump in polling, gains Breitbart attention, here and here.

Bud Lite is a mediocre beer, and in an economy where it is sold against better beers, the mediocrity is why it should be shunned; not transgender marginal matters. 

DeSantis reaches, Dwyane Wade is open about his family's cohesiveness.

With all that being front burner, something has to be attended less attention.

Weigh the magnitude and reach of ideas and issues. What seems to be getting short shrift in terms of ramping up to an election? When something cannot dislodge two-party harmony on where suppression is needed, what do we get?

What are the relative population pool sizes affected by DeSantis/Disney, or one brand's beer sales, vs this and this; bless Guardian's judgment of things to publish.

It is interesting to observe one party gestures as if the right hand, the other as if the left, with both pointing at stuff hither and yon aside from affecting the entire body's worth of core organs and life functions in between the hands. The hands acting in coordination.

Sell the sizzle so emphatically and with apparent sincerity; in hopes nobody questions the quality of the steak being sizzled to perfection.

We are what we think about. What we have feelings about. How we react to information, given the information we are bombarded with and how it is relatively featured by those giving it to us. Should we look beyond the bare stuff, and consider the intentions - possible logically sensible motives at play - of those motivated, paid, whatever, in structuring the packaging decisions and presentations made by the stuff providers?

The beat goes on.