
Saturday, May 13, 2023

Minnesota's Senate passed a few handgun regulation additions to its public safety bill. The link is provided.

 So interested readers can learn detail, this Strib link. This PiPress link. MinnPost.

From Strib, one of the Republican out-staters bleating:

Sen. Justin Eichorn, R-Grand Rapids, criticized the DFL for inserting the gun provisions into the larger public safety bill. He characterized the bill as a violation of the Second Amendment and raised the specter of additional DFL-led impingements. "Today it's your guns, tomorrow it's your Zamboni or your gas stove or whatever is decided to be the demon of the day," he said.

This guy got elected. Go figure.

Your Zamboni? Does the Second Amendment cover Zambonis?

You don't "bear" a Zamboni, you drive one.

Should NATO assure a fleet of Zambonis to Ukraine?

Would you go into combat as part of a well regulated militia, on a Zamboni? 

You'd be a sitting duck. And this story, luckily they did not have to pry the Zamboni away from his poor dead hands -

(fans are boycotting the Bud Lite Zamboni at that rink)