
Saturday, May 20, 2023 [UPDATED]


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Merchandise -


Big thing, May 22? 

Faith in America, the bumper sticker says:

That does not necessarily tip his hand. But what about -

"Tim Scott Presidential Exploratory Committee?" Per the fine print on the donate page?

What's your guess, about May 22? 


(You can order merch in the days before then.)

UPDATE: As expected he announced. Reporting suggests a $22 million war chest exists, generated prior to announcing and filing formal paperwork. Who paid? You tell me.

FURTHER: Know the man -

 Scott said last month that as president, he would sign a bill federally banning abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy, if one arrived on his desk. He said states should be able to determine the issue on their own, but a federal limit needs to be discussed. 

Scott’s campaign did not immediately respond to The Hill’s request for further comment.

The Hill. 

"States should be able to determine the issue on their own but a federal limit needs to be discussed????" States decide, subject to a federal LIMIT, he says.

Will that kind of federalism - Leonard Leo & Federalist Society federalism - get your vote?

FURTHER: Judicial review of the heartbeat bill Scott praised has begun, and will probably soon reach the South Carolina Supreme Court.