
Thursday, April 27, 2023

The Heritage Foundation's 50th anniversary, with keynote speaker, Tucker Carlson, days before Carlson and the Murdoch empire severed ties.

The speech is online, YouTube, here. It is a hyperactive, arguably prescient speech. Is Carlson always like that, or was he tripping on something? I've never watched except for once where a web search had him saying, once, something with which I agreed, and his not saying it in a hyperventilated fashion. They say even a blind pig can find a truffle.

Of importance, the sit-down part of things between Carlson and the head man at Heritage, so if you watch, don't skip that ending.

The amount of online hand-wringing and "why" and "what next" speculation is informative of many caring much about the severance of business ties.

HuffPoRealClearPolitics, WashTimes, Intelligencer, VanityFair, Politico, touching upon anonymous sourcing of news, Politico, different angle, Politico again, on "what's next and etc." Insider. And that is as of yesterday evening. It is likely the hand-wringing, inside-story, stuff will be a today item too, and onward. George W.H. Bush's death got less coverage. Within

Morning websearch = murdoch family tucker carlson

Guardian does story linking. 

From the coverage, Carlson must be as big a celeb as Brad Pitt. 


Compare the off-the-cuff spontaneity shifts and frenetic pace of the Heritage speech, with Carlson being quite coherent, linear, slow paced and sentient in an interview segment with Elon Musk. An interview in which nobody would worry about loss of audience to another more Trump-favorable outlet. Different things, different approaches? Different stakes.