
Saturday, April 01, 2023

Get to know Charles Schumer. Career politician. Never held a real job. Out of Harvard, undergrad > Harvard Law School > politics.

 Wikipedia page

At some point AOC, hopefully, will have seen enough and built a sufficient base to run against him. Were she to lose, tobacco lawyer and Blue Dog K. Gillabrand would be an easier subsequent target.

But Schumer's the one.

AOC is the one Democratic office holder in New York with the best progressive chance of taking out Schumer.

Bless her if she does. May it happen so that progressives can rejoice and prosper.

New York Dems are a really unprepossessing bunch. Except for the progressives who have taken out some of the dregs in recent times. Remember, the Clintons once had a Senate seat there. That mediocre. Over time. Consistently bad.