
Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Rip van Winkle awakens and sees things they feel compelled to favor with attention and opinion.

 Reflections in Ramsey does now post


Something, some aspect, awakened.

Wide open gun availability seems not a part of a problem worth mention. Nothing to wake up over.

Headlining reflects. Use of quotation marks suggests "transgender" is the purpose of the post, the burr under the saddle, given that since Jan. 6 there've been mass shootings which have failed to awaken van Winkle from repose. Or is it van Winkel?  How does this commentator spell their name?

Other mass shooters might be thought sick or repugnant, or freakish, but others went unnoticed and uncriticized by the sleeper. Strange person. Not the shooter. The Reflector.

And that part of the headline, "pretending to be a male." Pretending cannot go absent response

 Production number response. Busby Berkeley grade response.

And -bottom line - what does all of it tell you about the sexual self stability and comfort level identity of the Reflector? 

Awakened, by "transgender." While other mass homicide went without a post. What restroom does the Reflector use?