
Sunday, March 12, 2023

Biden, so far, has been better than Crabgrass anticipated. Currently, with Netanyahu in mad-dog aggressive mode, Biden has been properly restrained, and has yet to invite Netanyahu to visit the US during the Biden administration. This is a strong stance against a strong right wing individual. Netanyahu has met his soul-mate, Hungary's ultra-right wing Orban. Biden is 100% correct to let that pair schmooze, while keeping a distance from their commonality. [UPDATED]

Netanyahu was tight with Trump. Now  it is Orban. The likes of Trump and Orban show who Netanyahu is, and it is ugly. Haaretz covers it, here and here.

Websearch = netanyahu orban

Moreover, when Breitbart criticizes Biden's cold-shoulder to Bibi, you know Biden is doing the right thing. And we may hope it continues.

There is more.

Daily Caller reports probematic person Chip Roy is on the wrong team, Bibi's.

Behind an unfortunate paywall, posts-