
Tuesday, January 17, 2023

CBDC - Central Bank Digital Currency - There is a host of postings on the web. One thing of which I am ignorant -

Why not TDC? Treasury Digital Currency. Why let the bankers run the world?

Nobody elects bankers? They just glom onto the economies of the world.

How come the bankers get to create money? And to manipulate its supply? If they have the power to create and manipulate it, does that mean it is their money, not ours? Their game, certainly that appears to be the law as things exist now.

But does it have to be?

There is this, the basic set up. Fedexplain 101. But - Why? Why let bankers run things? And every nation has its central bank. Who runs the world, if not the central banks?

And that is why CBDC is the anticipated digital currency shift, and not TDC.

But bankers - they are not nice guys, or that's been my impression. Especially top Fed officials who have been trading on inside information for personal gain.

Everybody is important. Some more important than others. Nobody is above the law. Some just somehow end up blissfully ignored by it.


Pay the piper, call the tune.