
Thursday, November 10, 2022

Why in the world such a high approval rating? I'd have guessed far, far lower. Despite the drag, many people still voted sanely. Think of the midterms, were Bernie the President. Dems owning everything!


From the start, and still. Who he is. Who he has ever been. Anita Hill. Four more years?

________FURTHER UPDATE_______

 At Crabgrass the dissatisfaction with Biden is palpable and rooted deeply in his past. Yet there are clearly other concerns.

As last cycle, being a progressive and being obstinate need not go together. Last cycle Clyburn did a cramdown endorsement in South Carolina that moved the southern black vote behind Biden. As ugly as that was, and with the other stalking horse candidates who exited right before South Carolina voted, progressives still knew well the greater evil and voted against it instead of sulking and staying home.

Biden even admitted, anyone could have beaten Trump, while his handlers were touting him as "the one who could beat Trump."

It was ugly. It may be inflicted again. The inner party Republican wing of the Democratic Party is strong now, and intransigent against progressive inclusion. 

However DeSantis or Trump, the greater evil is recognizable, and voting against it will be the way, even if it is Biden redux, or worse, Harris as the candidate. 

Progressive takeover will happen if the young stay true and active, since they will inherit the earth. Waiting is no fun, but hope is reassuring.