
Thursday, November 17, 2022

Well, it is the NY Times posting, but from it, this extended quote, "A growing chorus of Republican officials, lawmakers and activists blame the former president for their failure to regain control of the Senate and for what will be a narrow margin in the House. The scope of the Republican losses has prompted some of his allies to publicly voice complaints they have long kept private about the former president’s ability to win the White House. For those who have been more vocal, their concerns have morphed into far more direct attacks as they try to seize what they see as a chance to move past Mr. Trump and embrace a new class of party leaders."

Link. What is amusing, paragraphs directly following the headline quote-

At an annual gathering of Republican governors in Orlando, donors and lobbyists mingled with governors past, present and future while weighing ways to wrest Mr. Trump from the party’s base. Their main complaint was not over policy or even style, but losses the party has taken since Mr. Trump won the White House in 2016.

Gov. Kristi Noem of South Dakota, a Republican often mentioned as a potential 2024 candidate, said she did not believe Mr. Trump offered “the best chance” for the party in 2024.

“If we narrow our focus there, then we’re not talking to every single American,” Ms. Noem said in an interview as she sat across a mahogany table from her political adviser, Corey Lewandowski, who served as campaign manager for an early portion of Mr. Trump’s 2016 bid. “Our job is not just to talk to people who love Trump or hate Trump. Our job is to talk to every single American.”

Representative Mo Brooks of Alabama, a former Trump ally who spoke at the Jan. 6, 2021, rally that preceded the attack on the Capitol, put it more bluntly in a phone interview: “In 2020, there was no other option. In 2024 we will have candidates who are vastly superior and will do much, much better competing against the Democrat nominee than the loser Donald Trump has proven himself to be.”

Stuff there. Mo Brooks, did Trump help or hinder his reelection? Interested readers might want to look that up via web search.

Then, Republican Governors convening in Florida. 

Who does that bring to mind? Florida? A guy not quoted in the Times analysis.

Kristi Noem. Sorensen at Bluestem Prairie keeps an eye on South Dakota politics as well as on Minnesota, and she expands on that NYT reference to Noem. Sorensen's most recent post, 

The mahogany table of destiny; or, Noem in Florida, closer to Lewandowski than Trump 

No quote. Readers can simply follow the link and read Sorensen's insights and thougths. Well, one late in the item quote to whet the appetite.

Bluestem will be so cynical as to speculate that while we believe Governor Noem is entirely loyal to her husband, her connections with advisors are pure business and pragmatic. As for  her alignment with former President Trump, we South Dakotans should simply check our weathervanes and wind turbines to see which way the wind blows.

Noem is ambitious. Or that seems to be what Sorensen is suggesting. Ambition can move weathervanes, and with 2024 looming, what might Noem's ambitions entail?

A spot on the 2024 ticket? Top of that ticket? Noem?

Let Sorensen tell her story her way. Just remember Ron of Florida looms large, even this early. When people get to see more of who Ron has been and is, shifting can arise.

LAST: That last part of the headline, "... chance to move past Mr. Trump and embrace a new class of party leaders." Perhaps it should say "a new group" since same old - more of the same might be the appearance to many. Faces change. Habits, actions and embraced policy changes less. Cory Lewandowski in a way is a bridge to the present unchanging from the past. In the field of opportunity, it's plowing time again?


As to Big Ron in Florida, he's pushed some real chickenshit stuff about former felon voting and it can, by intimidation, disenfranchise eligible voters. The Crabgrass hope is it will come around to bite him in the ass, for being an ass.