
Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Maybe he can't find them.

 Running for Attorney General based on his legal gravitas, you have to wonder why Schultz never has a single Facebook  - On the Campaign Trail -  image of himself in front of a courthouse.


 They do exist. You'd expect even a hedge fund office lawyer might know that.


The Schultz election premise is that, were he elected he'd hire three dozen hotshot prosecutors to assist county attorneys in crime fighting mode. Or to interfere and preempt them were he to choose. 

Schultz said he is even open to wresting power from the progressive Mary Moriarty if she is elected as Hennepin County Attorney and Schultz feels she is not prosecuting cases aggressively enough.

The Schultz putsch promise? Give me a break.


Sheriffs love him in droves. However, has one single county attorney endorsed him and his idea to be Minnesota's chest beating crimefighter numero uno, boosting his name and brand? Not to my knowledge, and that answer troubles me. 

It should be troubling to the man hanging onto that premise to where one might expect he'd be seeking such endorsements. They - county attorneys - would be better judges of his chops, as a lawyer, than sheriffs. 

Schultz, by background, can file routine SEC docs, but could he handle coordination of complex litigation? The functions differ. He has never tried a case.

In fairness, one prosecutor of note endorsed the man. Republican on Republican. Tom Heffelfinger. Aside from that, top notch prosecutors are not there in droves along with the sheriffs, saying, Jim, Jim, Jim, we love you.

Looking at this pic from this site, the guess here is that none in that photo could do jack to put together a complex prosecution as Lugar and the FBI has, for the Feed Our Future fraudsters. 

Lugar and the investigators got all but one of the fifty federal offenders rounded up, (with one escaping for now to Mogadishu). Can you imagine how many more would have slipped away, were Schultz in charge? 


 So, Jimbo, why no band of cracker jack super prosecuting attorneys signing onto the Schultz endorsement bandwagon? Is there something there, something the attorneys can see through, no matter how many sheriffs sing hosannas? Something there? Despite Heffelfinger's party-loyal blessing?

Could Schultz have brought down Tom Petters? Can you envision it? At all? Ever in a million years?

That is not a meaningless hypothetical question. 

A "Field of Dreams" outlook at play? His spiel is that he'd hire 'em, they will come, they will do the heavy lifting, and go from there, never mind who'd take the job of working for Jim. 

 What level of competence do you see this guy actually able to attract, to hire, were he to defeat Ellison? 

Put another way, would you ever even for a day work for Jim Schultz? Him, your boss? Seeing what we see of him? Would you take his job offer?

___________FURTHER UPDATE___________

Ellison's endorsements page.