
Wednesday, November 16, 2022

For this, going to Breitbart as a start seems appropriate. The post is offered as also having an appropriate wrap-up.

 Strib reports the same thing, per a Jill Covin Nov. 15 AP feed. HOOOWEVVVER, Breitbart headlines its homepage in fashion today. 

By screenshot, then  quote -

Quote -

"Despite the outcome of the Senate, we cannot lose hope—and we must all work hard for a gentleman and a great person by the name of Herschel Walker,” Trump continued. “He was an incredible athlete and he’ll be an even better senator. We elected a group of very talented America First leaders who will be stars in our party for many years to come. In the popular vote, another thing that’s not discussed, for the House, Republicans won 5 million more votes—the largest margin in many, many years—over the Democrats. Five million more votes.”

National Review


A while ago, if recollection is correct, this item was linked to in posting long since scrolled into Crabgrass history. Hence it is given again as a link, as a wrap-up to this post. It is about a pair of kindred souls.

Read it or don't.