
Saturday, October 22, 2022

There is a "763 PAC" thing in Anoka County which when backing candidates I recognize seems to be the ones I vote for or like. Ones they criticize, again, I agree if I recognize the candidate/office holder names. Strib gave them some attention. I see them as golf tournament boosters.

Strib, here.

I looked at their website, and they do Facebook and Twitter. 

From the Strib item, a quote:

[Matt] Look said the Most Wanted ad last time actually bolstered support for conservative incumbents. He said some of their personal attacks on social media have crossed a line and that he may pursue a defamation suit after the election.

He won't. But the level of web publishing they've done about Look is less about policy or job performance than otherwise, and again, aside from golf tournaments which some care about, not everybody, and liking the same candidates I do when I recognize the names of some of those they favor, they seem to post on sites I dislike and do not use. Their website, okay, but thin. It seems static, with their activity being posted elsewhere.

Their approach to things. You decide.

But they exist. Strib found them of sufficient interest to publish of them online.