
Monday, September 12, 2022

Timmer at posts about the Minnesota Attorney General election, Ellison the DFL incumbent, Schultz the GOP primary winner.

Yes, Jim Schultz has three things going for him. He is not Doug Wardlow, nor is he a talk radio host. Third, he has eschewed using a Bachmann bullhorn while campaigning. Beyond that he is - Jim Schultz. Harvard grad. Office lawyer.

Law and order seems a GOP theme when they've got little else to say. Schultz indulges. Zippo of experience in that area, but eager.

Timmer seems to get things balanced in his writing in parallel to the appearance of the AG race, seen from the Crabgrass perspective. That is, the perspective still believing Al Gore won Florida and that Republicans ever since have been laser focused liars upon election fraud because it was so helpful to them when they needed it and did it with only a 5-4 court. 

Two mid-item short paragraphs from Timmer's analysis will be quoted. For a flavor.  

Read it all here.

Keith Ellison graduated from law school in 1990, was in private practice and was the executive director of the Legal Rights Center for several years; his practice always involved civil rights, criminal defense, and the representation of indigent clients.

Jim Schultz’s much shorter pedigree, on the other hand, has been representing the people with money as a lawyer for a hedge fund. Instead of a public interest lawyer, he’s a private interest lawyer.

From hedge fund paper pusher to Fearless Fosdick? Crime does not pay? Hedge Funds do.


Don't bet on it as an Ellison lock. Abner's got a vote and we've our share of Yokums, whole families of 'em. So - GOTV - Walz, Ellison, Blaha and Simon. Or wish you had. Remember, Wardlow will be voting for Schultz, as closest and kindred, and solid GOP.