
Thursday, September 08, 2022

Newt Gingrich sold the people an overbrimming crock, he called, "Contract with America." What would a real, genuine contract with Americans look like? It would promise intent and pledge active follow-up, while noting one voice in a collective body if offered by a Minnesota legislative candidate. And I think we have one.

 Stripped of all but the most essential detail, the tightest of roadmaps, the finger clearly taking the pluse of the public will and desire, what? Try this -

Why I’m running for State Representative

It is time for us to have a government that is on our side-one that can take action to level the playing field for all of us, rather than having everything tilted toward huge corporations and those who already have wealth and privilege.

Running for a state House seat implicitly acknowledges that a rookie in a big bunch can only try, and keeping the faith, something good can happen, with the voice holding to that aim being at least in a position to be heard, once winning the seat.

"Our side" is not difficult to understand. Our side differs from their side. So who are they and what is "their side" all about. Tilting the playing field to their benefit, at the expense of us. THEY have been consistently using government against US.

An oversimplification? A tight statement, but not realy oversimplified. They have been blowing smoke so long and in so many ways that the big lie that they somehow for some obscure reason deserve to be screwing the regular people is a truth. You can talk around it, but a class war has been going on throughout my lifetime, so likely through yours since I am 77 years old. 

Deny in your heart if you can, the system has been consistently running to favor the will and aims inherent to "having everything tilted toward huge corporations and those who already have wealth and privilege."

They don't need to be enumerated - They are a small collective. As Dan Burns wrote in concluding his Labor Day post

 The plutocrats need us. We don’t need them. Perhaps it’s mostly just a matter of getting a critical mass of the population to really realize that. Not that that will be an easy thing to do.

What is needed: A critical mass of the population finally resistant of the divide and conquer games the entrenched two party power holders play. The game - We're "stronger together" against those "white supremacists." Hey, poor people of color and poor white people have one thing in common. Poverty. Getting fucked by the system as it stands, today, as is. The universal common denominator.

Once that overriding link of true commonality is burned into the popular mind, the plutocrats will have their hands full, no matter how many riot cops in Darth Vader gear they throw at US. 

They will have hangers on, useful idiots, but if the popular mind gels upon electing candidates who offer the will and promise of going to the legislature to do their honest best to level the playing field and correct a system set up wrongly, then that gelation of awareness will have consequences. If not tomorrow, then the day after.

You can throw all the Newt Gingrich blowing smoke out their ass deceivers you want at a once coalesced populace intent on fixing a wrong system run amok. Lies and truncheons will not break a true coalescence, which I likely might not live to see, but the aim -the ultimate triumph of good over evil. 

Is there a place for the hopeless sinner, who will hurt all mankind just to save his own? Let's join together and I will feel alright. Etc. Ways exist to say it.

Vote smart. Vote for the simple honest commitment to level the playing field, or to constantly and consistently keep trying. Trying -- To fix. To repair. To better a status quo.