
Friday, September 16, 2022

Dissembling = Scott Jensen

 And it shows. He cannot escape who he is on abortion, and what he'd be expected to do and be and try and push if elected.

Basically, he is against live and let live. 

He is against according strong privacy rights to other citizens, particularly women.

But the bedrock of Roe was privacy as a fundamental right. To be left alone when what you do is no harm to one wanting to intrude into your life when it is not their business and when they should stand back and leave you alone.

This item, again about privacy, about other people staying out of lives of persons who are making life choices for themselves not at all hurting or affecting the intermeddler, but which the intermeddler wants to interfere with. For whatever motives one holds in intermeddling when it is out of place, the intrusion itself offends all, not merely the direct victim of an intermeddler.

For Scott and Matt and their abortion views and how they now dissemble in trying to hide their ways. it's not working.