
Tuesday, September 20, 2022

A windshield-bug handshake.

 Meeting at the fair, each wanting it to appear gentlemanly.

Each thinking, "I want to be the windshield. I want him to be the bug."


Ellison was instrumental in gaining a major multi-billion dollar worldwide concession settlement from the opiate pharma lords, while Schultz was doing what? I cannot help but wonder while people were dying from Sackler family "time release" opiates touted as safe when not, was Saclker Purdue Pharma stock in hedge fund portfolios Schlutz was lawyering?

How about a perspective based on fact and not based on hysteria? This web search link gives returns showing death rate from overdoses greater than from auto accidents, with traffic deaths in turn greater than firearm caused death (including suicide).

Schultz touting crime!! Ellison pushing Big Pharma to be a better citizen with less of its products killing people. Ellison's approach was successful. Schultz is still whistling in the dark courting cops and sheriffs. 

Theatrical hysteria misleads. Know facts, vote based on fact.