
Thursday, August 18, 2022

Two recent posts at Bluestem Prairie Blog worth reader attention.

 In order of recency -

Aug 18, 2022

Aaron Brown at MNReformer: New labor movement might save America just yet


Bluestem Prairie can't resist a good Aaron Brown commentary at the Minnesota Reformer, especially when it's about labor history and contemporary organizing. I grew up with my uncle Troy's story about organizing a can-making factory in Mankato after he returned from fighting in the Pacific Theater in WWII.

(followed by an extended, interesting excerpt of the Aaron Brown item) 


Aug 17, 2022

Abortion poll: Is South Dakota the next Kansas?


While South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem insisted on national television that she'd force a raped 10-year-old bear the child of the man who assaulted her, a new poll suggest that South Dakotans think otherwise. 

Oddly enough, the Governor's Pure Prairie Pro-Life Positioning seems to end at the state's border, or at least when she's campaigning for candidates in other states, as Dakota Free Press and the South Dakota Standard have pointed out. Funny girl.

(much more detail) 

If the local and nationwide mood toward unionization is trending up, and people in even South Dakota are polling sensibly on the abortion issue, things might not be as bad as many doomsayers are forecasting.