
Monday, August 08, 2022

Twitter - It is a platform I dislike, one Musk is hiking from if he can, and yet - threads, and then links.

Twitter, here and here. Message sophistication, here.

Some in those comment threads are unkind to Rep. Greene. Now links.

Here. Here. Here. Here. Here. Here. Here. Here. I could have written stuff, but why reinvent the wheel?

I thought about captioning the post, "MTG is as dumb as a brick." Then I thought it would be unfair. I like bricks. Bricks are useful. A brick would never . . . 

UPDATE: A brick has never been mocked by Wonkette:

 As entirely believable as it is that Marjorie Taylor Greene does not know something, it seems fairly unlikely that she did not know who Fuentes was, given that she stood next to him on a stage last night and also posed for a picture with him and Michelle Malkin, [see, e.g., this link] one of the worst people in the known universe.

At AFPAC — America First PAC, the far-right white nationalist conference Fuentes started when he was banned from CPAC for actually being so awful that CPAC considered him a bad look — Fuentes introduced his surprise guest by saying that his dear friend Milo Yiannopoulos had hooked him up with her as a speaker. Greene came on stage, happily greeted this person she had never heard of in her life despite the fact that he's extremely well known in her circles, and gleefully proclaimed "Well hello, canceled Americans" and gave a speech about how no one should be canceled.

However, when confronted by CBS's Robert Costa about this appearance last night, Greene insisted she knew nothing about him, never read anything about him, never watched his videos and knew nothing about his group, except that they are young people and she just really wanted to speak to young people about "America First."

The Young Turks have yet to savage a brick.  

Next, last, a challenge - can you find online a pic of Michelle Malkin and Nick Fuentes, with a brick between them? Like this, but a brick: