
Wednesday, July 13, 2022

What sort of ignoramuses are we letting onto Minnesota roads? How can people be so dumb in one instance, anger-uncontrolled in another?

Links, here and here. All of us who have to use the roads from time to time should be alert, because bozos like these two are on the road with us. The operative term for us, because of them, is DEFENSIVE DRIVING. And keep your cool.

From the two items, which errant driver was more at fault, independent of the severity of the outcome? Little Baby Cellphone vs Mr. Hulk Out. It is a hard call to make. Rage vs plain inexcusable stupidity. 

We share the road with people like that. Yet each of us over time has made more than a single driving mistake. But how many have been that dangerous to others?

 We are a better people than these "examples." 

FURTHER: Another problem driver. Both of the other cases seem to be one-off incidents. Even if a habit had not previously led to harm. This is a proven dangerous habitual offender. Being jailed earlier might have had deterrence value. Aside from deterrence, this repeat offender is dangerous to where jailing long term will promote the safety of the rest of us.

Drive as if in the next instant your life could be lost or at risk. Don't tail-gate. Use the mirrors to know what is behind your vehicle, and to either side. If slow, use the slow lane, since aggressive tail-gating can be a danger to you and others resulting from impatience of drivers behind you. Think not only of your driving but of everyone else driving around you.