
Thursday, July 14, 2022

TODAY - Bastille Day. Celebrate. JUST, don't compare it to Jan. 1. The Bastille was stormed for good reason, although Edmund Burke might have disagreed. There was no BIG LIE behind storming the Bastille.

In 1789, the year that the storming of the bastille took place, things grew more desperate for the impoverished peasants. Bastille Day Storming The Stronghold
link - a plethora of images/read all about it

 Read all about it elsewhere. The images are all there. The text is garbled.

Basically, the storming of the Bastille is a key French holiday. As the French Revolution swept away hereditary entitlement, the norms of feudal Aristocracy, capital replacing pure birthright. 

Today - With resultant weak estate taxation, capital is hereditary power.

A new feudalism. Go figure.

Half a century after the Bastille was stormed: The year 1848 with barricades in the streets represented socialism against capitalism's inheritance of power from the downfall of feudal aristocracy. Socialism lost.

A Republic, France has one, we have it in our U.S. of A. Inequality abounds, but under a legislative power, not a king. Feel the difference. Marvel at sameness?

Buy a few politicians and you should love your Republic. It pays back a greater return on investment than private sector adventures. 

Believe. It is patriotic to do so.


After overnight reflection a link to one I consider a tired old politician doing a recent mainstream media talking heads thing was wrongly placed. While disliking Joe Lieberman, in the context, the link was wrong. There is no cause to doubt Lieberman's ongoing, constant integrity. The aim was never to suggest such a doubt. But in context it rang wrongly. This apology is necessary.

Lieberman's judgment and style are open to dispute. Al Gore's VP choice may have hurt Gore's chances. But LIeberman's career has been long and respected by many.

As best as is known by Crabgrass Lieberman over the many years he has been a public figure has never even been challenged over anything approaching wrong-doing. And the Crabgrass thinking was not to suggest otherwise, but to offer him as a quintessential examplar of a politician, only that, which he has been, that being his chosen career.

The point of the post was to salute Bastille Day. Which was done. And to question whether our Revolutionary War and the French Revolution, each influencing history, have come to a current world and national situation which the last linked video could criticize.