
Sunday, July 03, 2022

Strib's editorial board says the obvious. The Twin Metals enviro report is cause for Minnesota's two senators to get off the dime and push in the Senate a permanant ban on sulfide mining in the BWCA watershed, indeed within the entire State.

 The editorial board does not suggest beyond the BWCA watershed, but why let the uber-wealthy Swiss comodity conglomerates poison other nearby northern water resources? It only makes sense, Sulfide mining ist Verboten. Now. In perpetuity.


The report's findings should spur Minnesota's two increasingly influential U.S. senators — Amy Klobuchar and Tina Smith — to take action.

The Biden administration finished the report that the Trump administration halted and kept under wraps. It is also conscientiously moving to establish a 20-year moratorium on this type of mining on more than 225,000 acres in the BWCA watershed.

But permanent protection is needed to prevent a future administration from undoing those moves. A House bill introduced by Rep. Betty McCollum, D-Minn., would put permanent copper-mining protections in place for the BWCA. Unfortunately, it still lacks a Senate companion bill.

Klobuchar and Smith have previously said they were awaiting completion of the federal study before taking further steps. That report is out now, and the science is evident on the risks this type of mining poses.

So - the report is out and now it is time to do the job so as to earn the paycheck.

The waffle excuse has run its course.