
Friday, July 08, 2022

Right wing news outlet jumps Hunter Biden again.

July 7.  Previously, March 9.

Breitbart picks up the thread, July 7. In part:

It is unclear whether the younger Biden still has a financial stake in BHR Partners. Biden’s White House has repeatedly claimed throughout 2019 and 2020 that Hunter Biden was out of the equity firm, but Chinese corporate records show he still has a stake in the company.

Biden’s White House has dodged questions about Hunter Biden’s stake in BHR, directing the press to Hunter Biden’s representatives for more information.

“On the first, the president’s son is not an employee of the federal government, so I’d point you to his representatives,” former White House press secretary Jen Psaki said in December. “I think I answered your question. You can go to the representative of the person who is not an employee of the federal government.”

I think she did not answer the question. She roadblocked. Your take?