
Tuesday, July 05, 2022

Parts of the nation are picking up on a particularly strong focus of abortion hate, and, guess who. 

 Who else would you have guessed? Knight of Malta and Fedearalist Society operative Leonard Leo, who first vetted and then fed the sick and tainted names to Trump, must be smiling. Full of himself. Besides being fascist on reproductive freedoms, these creeps are doing much else deserving criticism and scorn.

Francis should disavow the batch. As well as the communion denier-deciders. It is a serious breach of the peace. Wilful. Coordinated.

UPDATE: DWT presenting an extensive quote from a Politico item, with images, and Klein writing in introduction to the Politico exegesis -

I hope no one is thinking about grabbing Alito, Kavanaugh, Barrett, Gorsuch, Thomas and Roberts, dragging them out of their homes and chopping them up into little pieces and feeding them to pigs. First of all, their homes are heavily guarded and you’d get in trouble. Second of all… um… let’s leave it at getting in trouble for now.

On Wednesday, Politico published When the Supreme Court Makes a Mistake by Peter Canello, author of The Great Dissenter: The Story Of John Marshall Harlan, America’s Judicial Hero. Short version: “The history of the Supreme Court is replete with outrages and abominations, but they can be tough to overcome.” Really tough. “Misguided court decisions,” he wrote, “have altered the path of the nation in sadly demonstrable ways. And the question arises again from the series of sharply divisive rulings by the current court. The short answer is: Not much can be done. In the American system, an edict from the high court is almost uniquely without check or balance. When justices err, the people suffer the consequences. The only corrective is the high court itself, as future generations reconsider once-settled doctrines. But problems often get worse before they get better, because Supreme Court errors are rarely one-offs. When a cabal of justices goes astray, they tend to keep on going. Mistake follows mistake, and the boundaries of American freedom get squeezed.”

It took a Civil War to erase the effects of the worst Supreme Court Decision in history: Fred [typo - Dred] Scott v Sanford (“Roger Taney’s salvery forever ruling in 1857). Decisions like Plessy v Ferguson (the Jim Crow “separate but equal” horror in 1896), Hammer v Dagenhart (child labor in 1918), (Buck v Bell (forced sterilizations in 1927), Korematsu v U.S. (Japanese internment in 1944), Bowers v Hardwick (homophobia in 1986), Bush v Gore (a naked show of partisanship in 2000) and Citizens United v FEC (corporate money in elections in 2010) make you want to… well, let’s not go there again.

It is interesting to notice a theme which spans an opinionated and passionate blog, and a mainstream media outlet in one of the West Coast's prouder and currently prosperous cities - that theme, THIS COURT STINKS. The odor is particularized.