
Saturday, July 30, 2022

Alito in the news.

 Slate. Recent. Troublesome. Read it. What a piece of work.

An opening image Slate chose well. Tremble when seeing a smile smirk like that:

Justice Samuel Alito wearing a suit and tie and grinning

And when you wish to keen about Trump having been the worse President ever, look at who appointed this aberrant human to high office. You do not need much of a quote. Wikipedia will do.

File:With President George W. Bush Looking on, Judge Samuel A. Alito Acknowledges his Nomination as Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.jpg
President George W. Bush announces that Judge Samuel Alito is his Supreme Court nominee during a press conference on October 31, 2005.

On October 31, 2005, President George W. Bush nominated Samuel Alito for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. Alito's nomination was confirmed by a 58–42 vote of the United States Senate on January 31, 2006.

Alito was a judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit at the time of his nomination to the Court. He had been appointed to that position by the president's father, President George H. W. Bush in 1990. Leonard Leo played a crucial role in successfully shepherding Alito's appointment through the Senate.[1]

Trump was not a war monger. Trump was not a neocon. Trump moved to end a war kept kicked down the road by the two of those aberrant humans. 

Trump did not institute a freedom-sucking "Patriot" Act. 

Trump, by comparison, was merely a harmless blowhard, re that father/son disaster show.

NEXT - That Wiki footnote-1 links here. The most compelling paragraph of that linked item:

Leo’s role in the judicial nominations has drawn fierce criticism from liberals. Nan Aron, who is the longtime president of the Alliance for Justice, which advocates for a progressive judiciary, told me, “The Federalist Society has for years been singularly focussed [sic] on building a farm team of judicial nominees who subscribe to a philosophy that is hostile to the advancement of social and economic progress in the country. Behind the scenes, during Republican Administrations, they are very engaged in identifying and recruiting for judges candidates who are ultra-conservatives—who are opposed to our rights and liberties across the board, whether it’s women, the environment, consumer protections, worker protections.” Gorsuch is likely to be only the first of Leo’s Trump Administration appointees: he is preparing for yet more vacancies on the Supreme Court, and also finding candidates for some of the hundred-plus vacancies on the lower courts, deepening his imprint on the judiciary.

Catholic opposition to abortion is the lightning rod for the full spectrum of the mischief, taking the bright thundering energy hit, while the more sinister dimension of Federalist Society judge picking is they pick aberrant dregs who are dead wrong nasty on everything else too. Not just abortion haters. Haters of the people and all the good that could be done for the people, and undone against the people by a Draconian hostile court full of right wing whack jobs.  

Which is what we have now. Moreover, as the Slate article shows, they are super-arrogant about self-love of their deficiencies. Think too of the Thomas spouses. The oil baron's daughter. The over-ambitious Kavanaugh cramdown. 

Rabid whack jobs. 

What next? 

They are only getting started. A hell is just lifting off the ground this Court term. Wait for the main show. The encore. The rain of hundred page sophistry after hundred page sophistry. A paper downpour. A paper fucking for us.

And they largely are young, holding office for life or until choosing to step aside.