
Wednesday, July 13, 2022

A letter is only a letter. When posted online it documents what it says, to others beyond the lone recipient. It becomes a public letter. This one was posted online by Rep. Ted Lieu.

Alone it will not move a mountain. But it stakes out the genesis of an idea. Accountability for lies, responsibility for being truthful under oath. If a duty of truthfulness exists, at all, than if breached the breach should have consequences. 

Below, screen captures of both pages of the letter. Even the laziest of readers can click to enlarge and read. 

Moreover, there is reporting -

websearch = lieu ocasio-cortez letter to schumer 7/8/2022

The Hill - House Democrats ask Senate to take position on whether justices lied during confirmation hearings, by Julia Mueller - 07/11/22 4:16 PM ET

Here are the two pages of screen captures - 



If lying under oath has no consequences, why give an oath? Where would reasonable people draw the line between borderline obfuscation, and plain and simple lying? Will Sen. Schumer be expected to do anything of relevance about this letter? Should House leadership, in an ideal world, have sent this letter? Should Sen. Schumer, in an ideal world, have raised the question himself, without prodding?

Any other questions? How about: What's next? Anything? Should the matter be referred to the Attorney General as possible perjury? Would impeachment be feasible, given the factional split as it is now, or as it will be after November voting?

Should the letter have been cc'd to Attorney General Garland?