
Sunday, June 19, 2022

Years ago, Minnesota Catholic Conference recorded it, Matt Birk indirectly telling every open minded, sane person to GOTV in November, for personal freedoms, against bigotry, for lifestyle choice.

 This YouTube video. And shoot the fucking piano player.

It starts, "Inside our own parishes." 

It leaves no doubt who is propagandizing you with bullshit. 

Besides and behind Matt Birk. It says who scripted Matt.


They packed the Court and sniped down Roe v. Wade. The majority of our people, poll after poll, want the freedom of choice that Roe enunciated. Yet they used a Court majority to kill Roe.

They will be after contraception next. They are on record even now as wholly opposed to contraception. Opposed to it for anybody, not just within their followers, their "flock."

Shut down that patriarchal dark will of the allegedly celibate to interfere in the non-celibate lives of  everybody, not just within their people, but against all others outside of the narrow-minded part of their total set of believers. 

Shut it down in November, or wish you had. Vote in November. Encourage others to be sure to vote. Get Out The Vote. For Walz.

A vote for Walz will be a vote for freedom against an attempted patriarchal, constraining, and judgmental tyranny by a minority of the nation's people against a majority viewpoint and related practices.