
Thursday, May 26, 2022

Why do I see this by going to Greg Palast, but not in Strib, Pioneer Press, nor MinnPost? Then, doing a websearch, there is coverage, but local outlets seem mum.

 First the follow-up search. Then what Palast wrote which caused the questioning.

Search targeted = past month Search =

It is as if Biden's sensible policy move away from Trump's anti-Venezuela squeeze which is the cause of runaway gasoline/diesel pricing and flowing money to Russia in the process, is somehow not newsworthy. Why not? Get real.

Palast -

When you corrode and corrupt democracy, it has consequences -How an axis of awful is blocking the oil we need from Venezuela to replace Russian oil and stop Putin

Venezuela has the largest reserves of oil on the planet. If you look at OPEC, they put Saudi Arabia as number two. Venezuela’s producing very little oil, not even enough for its own needs at this moment, when it was producing 3.2 million barrels of oil a day — 2 million barrels a day for export. If we unleash oil from Venezuela, then Putin’s profit from the invasion evaporates.

Putin is earning roughly, by my calculation, a billion dollars a day windfall from the sales of oil and gas, at prices which today hit about $118 a barrel, with natural gas going up an equal amount. So, Venezuela is the way to stop Putin’s tanks, it’s that simple. Chevron say that within three months they could bring 800,000 barrels of oil a day to the US from Venezuela, all they need is Biden to lift the Trump embargo. That 800,000 barrels a day, by the way, equals the maximum amount of oil that the US gets from Russia.

This deadly embargo of Venezuela was imposed by Donald Trump. Why is Biden continuing with Trump’s policies, which right now are enriching Putin, by keeping 2 million barrels of oil a day off the market? Keep in mind, Venezuela has invaded no one, attacked no one, and they’ve got a president that was elected, even if our State Department isn’t exactly a fan of Nicolás Maduro.

And while Biden is celebrating the fact he got Europe to cancel the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which wasn’t in operation anyway, they’re still taking 1.9 trillion cubic feet of gas a year from Nord Stream 1. That 1.9 trillion cubic feet a year, which Russia provides through Nord Stream 1, can be replaced 100% by Venezuela, which according to the US Energy Information Administration is capable of over 2 trillion cubic feet of gas production a year for export. They could send this as liquid natural gas to Europe, and completely replace what they get from Nord Stream 1. But we’re not doing it, and here’s why… It’s being blocked by an axis of awful, which includes two powerful Democrats.

One is Bob Menendez, the Senator from New Jersey who’s the only sitting senator who’s ever had unanimous censure by the Senate Ethics Committee for corruption. And the other is Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who was deeply involved in an illegal scheme to move Democratic National Committee money to the Hillary Clinton campaign. Meanwhile Charles Koch is refusing to shutter his operations in Russia, and is using his power and influence to stop any oil flowing out of Venezuela — while refusing to support any economic sanctions on Russia. And, by the way, the Kochs also funded the Clinton administration, which helped put Putin in power. Here’s the thing; when you corrode and corrupt democracy, it has consequences.

 [bolding added] Investopedia -

A Potential U.S. Oil Deal with Venezuela Faces Hurdles
By - John Kimelman

In 2019, the U.S. imposed a ban on the importation of Venezuela oil shortly after president Nicholas Maduro won reelection in a vote widely seen as fraudulent. 

But the Biden administration is reconsidering that decision in the wake of another major oil sanction: the U.S. ban on the importation of Russian "crude oil and some petroleum products" last week following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The Biden administration enacted a series of sanctions following Russia’s invasion. However, in the early days of the of the confrontation it had refrained from imposing a ban on Russian oil out of concern that such a move would only cause oil and gasoline prices to rise further in the United States. But as the war continued, the administration announced a import ban on March 8.   

Still, the Biden administration is faced with the challenge of making up for the roughly 670,000 barrels a day in lost Russian oil and oil products as well as to alleviate concerns about rising gasoline prices in the U.S. On March 5, the Biden administration sent a delegation to the Venezuelan capital of Caracas to discuss the possibility of allowing Venezuelan crude oil back into the U.S.

Shortly after the weekend meeting, Venezuela released two jailed U.S. citizens -- one of them a Citgo oil executive -- in a goodwill gesture toward the Biden administration.

Such a rapprochement, however, faces resistance from political leaders of both parties as well as from Juan Guaido, the leading political opponent of Maduro in Venezuela.

Last Friday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis held an event in Doral, Fla. against ending the embargo of Venezuelan oil. And U.S. Senate Republicans introduced a bill that would prohibit the U.S. from importing crude oil from both Venezuela and Iran. 

But Democrats including Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Florida, have also criticized any effort to end the sanction on Venezuelan oil.  

Moreover, some Republicans have alleged that Venezuela's prisoner release amounts to a "quid pro quo" in connection with the possible easing of oil sanctions. But on Tuesday, a State Department spokesman denied this, adding, "there was absolutely no quid pro quo. We have been working to secure the release of those Americans...since the very start of this administration."

Meanwhile, Chevron Corp. is reportedly planning to take operating control of its joint ventures in Venezuela should Washington allow trade in Venezuelan oil.

[...] Currently, Russian oil and petroleum product exports to the U.S. represent about 8% of all the U.S.’s imported oil, and less than 2% of the total U.S. supply.  

Ending the U.S. sanctions against Venezuela would add to the U.S. oil supply and could lower prices of oil and gasoline. It would also help to revive Venezuela's place in the global oil market.

 A Venezuela’s petroleum official recently said that the country’s oil output could rise by at least 400,000 barrels per day to a total of 1.2 million barrels if the U.S. ends the embargo. [...]

 The Wasserman Schultz congressional webpage

Washington DC – U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23) released the following statement after the recent negotiations surrounding the release of American hostages Gustavo Cardenas and Jorge Fernandez from Venezuela, and on the prospect of lifting oil or other sanctions on the Maduro regime:

“The Biden Administration’s effort to globally isolate Putin has been swift, remarkable and may save thousands of lives. However, rewarding the Maduro regime in Venezuela by swapping out the oil imports of one murderous kleptocrat for another in our own Hemisphere would be wrong and shortsighted. America’s moral standing, and the lives of countless murdered, displaced, and suffering Venezuelans, should not be sacrificed to access a trifling supply of oil that could aid a dangerous regional tyrant.

The recent negotiated release of American hostages ends a torturous chapter for these prisoners and their families at the hands of Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro. I am confident the Administration will continue fighting to bring home the seven Americans still being held unjustly in Venezuela.

While this is welcome news on the hostages, the underlying reality in Venezuela is that its citizens live in extreme poverty and are denied basic human rights due to a corrupt and repressive dictatorship. Critically, neither this hostage release, nor Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, warrant allowing the murderous Maduro regime to quickly stockpile petrol profits as Venezuelans still starve for food, medicine and basic human rights under his autocratic rule. Sanctions relief should only be considered when there is a clear and irreversible commitment to restore free and fair presidential elections and cease attacks on the rule of law.”

 She's full of shit. Whoring to wealthy Venezuelan and allied Cuban emigre-voters and advocates who've settled in Florida, with her apparent aim being to solidify her seat in Congress, never mind that her BS spiel is hurting the entire population of the US via pump price stratospheric escalation, and never mind that her entire party facing November elections has to suffer because energy price gouging is happening, Her seat, prestige, and paycheck is what matters most. To Debbie. You can suffer. Her seat is more important. Back to the beginning sentence of this paragraph.

BOTTOM LINE: Lady, get out of Biden's way. 

Biden is doing right by the citizens of the U.S. of A. Surely one can say that Biden's motives are political. But it is a politics of decency to the populace, even if aimed toward better November results for his party. 

But wait. There's more. Debbie dances with Republican Senate and House leading voices toward hounding Venezuela 

 Consider the evidence

U.S. [REPUBLICAN] Sen. Marco Rubio and [REPUBLICAN Assistant party house whip] Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar, among other politicians, criticized on Tuesday the easing of economic sanctions on Venezuela by President Joe Biden's administration.

The U.S. government announced that it would allow oil company Chevron to negotiate with Venezuelan state-owned PDVSA, as long as it doesn't drill or export Venezuelan-origin oil. The move is aimed at encouraging the resumption of negotiations between the Washington-backed opposition and the Nicolas Maduro regime, two senior officials told The Associated Press.

Sen. Rubio rejected the measure on his social media and claimed that "Biden continues his effort to appease anti-American communist dictators."

"Yesterday it was Cuba, now today Biden will announce removing sanctions on the Maduro regime in Venezuela," he added.

Rep. Salazar warned that "Biden has officially surrendered to the dictators of Latin America" to buy "blood-stained oil."

U.S. Republican Sen. Rick Scott, also from Florida, condemned the move. "Joe Biden's decision to ease sanctions against Nicolás Maduro and his evil thugs is UNCONSCIONABLE."

[bolding added] These Republicans are as eager as Debbie to fuck the United States consumer public, over their precious seats, and their unique voter base.

As with Debbie, these selfish pigs have an overbearing focus upon keeping their seats, prestige, and paychecks secure. Screw everything and everybody else.

Other Republicans? Readers should research that. However, the GOP benefits in November if they can make Biden appear responsible for the trickle down inflation arising from kited energy prices, which Biden is not at all responsible for, and in fact is moving to ease. 

Republican and DWS selfishness is hurting YOU. YOU should be pissed. 

Really, really pissed. As in voting against the SOBs in November. Not only because of the Alito crew's killing Roe v. Wade, but because the SOBs don't give a fuck how much you suffer in their hope they can sell you the idea that Biden is responsible for the suffering. Oil price gouging is the cause. Not Joe. Not the Dems. 

And take DWS out too, as part of putting out the garbage.



Saudi oil. Russian oil. Venezuelan oil.  --  No free unfettered market? You pay.  -- Oil is oil, price is price, demand is demand. Manipulation is manipulation.

Threads come together, when oil is the game. Trump's little son-in-law, and MBS have gotten really cozy. After Trump has left office - Money in billions flowing Jarad's way, while we must remember the Venezulan oil embargo helps - who?

Damn right. The Russians. That is the story, above.  Also - It helps MBS as to his personal wealth and his tight dictatorial grip on the Saudi nation. And if there is a quid, there is a pro quo

Websearch, yielding hits:

NY Times - Before Giving Billions to Jared Kushner, Saudi Investment Fund Had Big Doubts -- Before committing $2 billion to Mr. Kushner’s fledgling firm, officials at a fund led by the Saudi crown prince questioned taking such a big risk.

Yahoo - Jared Kushner's firm got $2 billion from Saudi wealth fund run by crown prince, despite board's objections

Bloomberg - How Did Jared Kushner Get $2 Billion From the Saudis? -- Hint: It’s not because of his track record as an investor.

BusinessInsider - Jared Kushner's PE firm secured $2 billion from Saudi Arabia despite objections he was too inexperienced to manage the money, report says

RawStory - Saudi Arabia gave Jared Kushner $2 billion — but MBS discussed giving him $10 billion: report

Vanity Fair - Report: Saudi Arabia Concluded Jared Kushner’s Investment Firm Was a Joke, Gave Him $2 Billion Anyway

even, with a backhand spin 

Republican tainted NY Post sees outrage - Jared Kushner gets $2B Saudi investment, drawing Hunter Biden comparisons

So, the party of Trump, the son-in-law of Trump, Trump gleefully controls? Both so controlled, as money flows, Saudi to son-in-law. And then what?

You vote Republican, then that means you vote for Trump, and Saudi money to his kin.

You vote Republican, than that means you vote for Trump, and that means you don't have any cause to piss and moan over pump price shock. Nor over all prices inflating because basic energy costs are being artificially inflated. Inflated - While an oil plenitude exists, this hemisphere, sanctioned away, by Trump.

You vote Republican, then your support pump price shock being done to you, so please, quietly suffer the consequences. Consequences Of Trump. Of resultant inflation across the board arising from artificially escalated energy pricing that a free market would not entail! 

You caused it all. You voted dumb.

Live with it or vote Dem as soon as you can.

_________FURTHER UPDATE_______

Reuters, March 9

Check it out. Learn more. Know more.

 ________FURTHER UPDATE_______

What the hell. Two more Greg Palast posts, here and here.

Check it out. Learn more. Know more. End with an image -