
Tuesday, May 17, 2022

The Supremes. Roberts writing for Ted Cruz's gambit, and the 6-3 majority enjoying the gambit. Two views reported, one by Breitbart, the other, at the since-affirmed Appeals Court level where the Cruz gambit was first blessed, written by a thoughtful ethicist.

 Breitbart writing.

Richard Painter, a college professor and former Presidential ethics advisor, less than a year ago (before the Supremes issued any opinion), writing

(With an apt outset quote by Boehner suitably characterizing Cruz.)


This post has been amended from its earlier published version. The alteration is deletion of text that had appeared after the above, i.e.. further text which might be in error. 

Until understanding of facts and law are sorted out, the post is necessarily terminated as it stands. Apology now to readers and others if incorrect statements were made. Care requires the retraction, for now, until a better understanding of law covering speech honoraria allowed federal employees at various levels, while in office within any of the three branches - i.e., apart from speaking honoraria given former officials, or officials between jobs where subsequent situations are uncertain, possibly likely, but not definite.

BOTTOM LINE: The Cruz gambit is wholly unrelated to speech honoraria questions, and its nuances properly should stand alone. 

ACCORDINGLY, including this explanatory text after making the cautionary deletion, this post will stand as is, without further change.