
Thursday, May 19, 2022

Down With Tyranny aptly titles a post, "Americans Appear To Hate The Supreme Court As Much As The Supreme Court Hates Americans."

 It surely appears they love those with lots of money, and hate US.

DWT, linking to a poll showing the high levels of disdain for a Court soon to be sitting made up of three conservative-moderates, each a female and each appointed by a conservative-moderate Democratic President, and six assholes, each appointed by same, five men plus the Coney Barrett freak.

Dispute the characterization if you care to. They are unrepentantly awful. They pride themselves in awfulness. Creeps.

But fitting in. DC is full of creeps. 

DC does have Bernie and a handful of decent progressives, and a handful of honest and decent moderate-conservatves. Competent agency workers. 

But then --- Infested with carpet-bag consultants. Lobbyists. Wealth calling all the shots. Two parties, little difference, money running each. 

Biden so belonging to the milieu. At least appointing a far more promising Justice than the VP he and ultra-conservative Rep.Clyburn together picked.

Creep-city. Well over three times the regular residing population of Wyoming, but they don't get a single Congress critter, either house. Given demographics, they'd likely elect one of the better ones. If given the chance, as a black-majority area hopefully they would pick a Cori Bush over a James Clyburn. We never know. 

However you regard him, Clyburn is an entrenched incumbent vested with seniority and power attendant to like-mindedness shared among House leadership. Equally aged. Equally inclined.