
Saturday, April 30, 2022

Michelle Benson ends her tepid candidacy for Governor leaving only male Republican challengers to DFL Governor Walz.

 Strib. A wise decision. She never did develop traction. She stays in the legislature, for better or worse. She wants school vouchers. The opinion here, vouchers are the mark of the Beast. Opinions can differ

UPDATE: No actual physical mark, but a mark in the minds of others. The Beast wanting to have others pay for some parents' wish to have their children indoctrinated into hocus-pocus stuff that outlived Rome itself. The law allows parents so inclined to do that to their children. But so far others do not have to pay for that misdeed to be done. The Beast is persistent. The Beast is patient.

CORRECTION: Strib's item - closing paragraph -

Benson was elected to the state Senate in 2010, and chaired the chamber's Health and Human Services Committee. She will not seek re-election to the Senate.

That "not seek reelection" is a curious turn. Is it a redistricting thing, two Republicans in the same new district, or might Benson have other motives? Tiring of the legislature and all the attendant BS surely would be reason enough. Bless John Marty for putting up with it and staying.