
Thursday, March 03, 2022

N.Y. Times details NATO efforts on behalf of Ukraine.

Since WW II this is the first war on European soil pitting one European nation against another. Serious business.

NYT, here. It is Europe's worry, in light of the suffering endured in two World Wars there.

SANCTIONS: Aside from Manchin, our nation's monied oligarchs seem less upfront about their yachts.

Not that we lack oligarchs with yachts. But they generally, somehow, maintain lower U.S. news profiles. How many families could eat well for a year on what one of those yachts costs? 

You want justice? They want yachts.

UPDATE: Search the blog = MYOGA 

Then see a down-sidebar item with a now dead "People" link. 

(Wholly coincidental, but newsworthy in Ramsey, Anoka County, MN, the Sammy's Pizza take out site at the corner of Bunker and Hwy 47 is now open and serving the public. Ask yourself - How many Sammy's 14-inch pizzas could you buy for the cost of one of those  maga mega yachts?)

FURTHER: Know your place, they have attitudes. MAGA attitudes to accompany mega yachts.

FURTHER: More "they."

FURTHER: Everybody owns a share. Them too. But since this is not a gossip column, enough, and back to arms movements and dying Russians and Ukrainians. That is today's front page. SOTU's over. War still continues.

FURTHER: Worth adding.