
Monday, March 21, 2022

[UPDATED] Now the man faces a custody fight with abuse allegations. There is the saying, "Don't go away mad, just go away." Politically speaking, the thought is there.

 Former MO guv, now thinking he is Senatorial. Get real.


Previously -


Read more: Missouri governor admits to affair but denies reports he blackmailed woman with nude photo

“This is a three-year-old personal matter that presents no matters of public or legal interest,” Greitens’ attorney Jim Bennett said in a statement. “The facts will prove that fully.”

For Greitens to survive politically, it’s vital that the facts remain exactly as he said — that he had an affair and nothing more, said several Republican political consultants with decades of experience.

Missouri Gov.-elect Eric Greitens and his wife Sheena are seen in this file photo. Eric Greitens appears to be bracing for a fight to preserve his political life after admitting to an extramarital affair but denying anything more.

“The most important thing in a crisis is your very first public communication. It has to be the truth, and it has to be airtight,” said Republican consultant John Hancock, who has survived his own personal and political crises, most recently as a former state party chairman.

Greitens acknowledged being “unfaithful” in his marriage after St. Louis television station KMOV aired part of an audio recording of a woman telling her husband about a sexual encounter with Greitens. The woman, who was Greitens’ hairdresser, is now divorced from the man who had secretly recorded their conversation.

On the recording, she said Greitens had taped her hands, blindfolded her and taken a photo while warning, “’You’re never going to mention my name.” The ex-husband’s attorney said Thursday that his client had told him Greitens also slapped the woman at a later time.

Greitens’ attorney denied each of those allegations.

The TV station did not name the woman. The Associated Press learned of her identity but has chosen not to name her because she could not be reached for comment.

The affair occurred as Greitens was preparing to launch his campaign for governor. The former Navy SEAL officer and veterans’ charity founder won election in 2016 as a self-described outsider ready to blow up the political establishment in Jefferson City. In his first year in office, he had a variety of political confrontations with fellow Republican lawmakers.

She looks like a decent person. Worth mentioning - a Republican. 


24 MARCH 2022: Discord among our Republican friends? You'd have to believe Breitbart News to see it that way -- All I know is what I can read on the Internet. Did the earlier claims against Eric Greitens fall apart? It might be so, if you Believe Breitbart News. Is Mitch McConnell linked somehow to Karl Rove as Republicans against the Trumpian wing of things? Breitbart News again, same single story.

Is that story - as lengthy as the Breitbart write-up is written - only based on one single story source? Or will more legs grow on the thing beyond, "Breitbart publishes . . . friend of Greitens Steve Hantler says . . ."?

This Texas in place of Missouri court swap suggestion seems unusual - Ms. G is in Texas now - distanced. Ms. G having a sister doing consulting in DC? For Mitch?

The best answer Crabgrass sees for Missouri is let the dust settle and then in the general election send a Democrat to the Senate. 

(Note: That last paragraph is not a suggestion you'd expect to read at Breitbart News. Not that such an expectation in any way discredits the paragraph's wisdom. )