
Sunday, March 20, 2022

Minneapolis has a proposed new police contract. More money, no teeth.

 Link. Changes making policing more transparent and answerable to the pubic seem absent. Same old, same old, with a pay boost does not auger well for reform.

But the Frey reelection did not either.

The more closed the process, the less trust the process earns.

When pat answers are "A few bad apples" and "Our hands are tied by the contract," this surely seems as if negotiating politicians like easy excuses for not culling bad apples. Cops too. 

It is called "consensus." A bargained consensus.

In fairness to the police and the politicians, the proposed contract is 130 pages long, not online, and Strib gives a brief supposedly "high points" synopsis with quite more of he said, she said in its reporting. Helpful? You decide.