
Wednesday, March 23, 2022

A metro-wide League of Women Voters survey of counties found Anoka County deficient in ways Rhonda Sivarajah says are in part erroneous.


No ethics code? Dissing citizen input? Key info not posted on the county's website?

Read and decide. Remember, if there were an ethics code Sivarajah would have been kicked upstairs anyway when residency in the district questions arose.

So what's material, what's subject to explanation, and where if anywhere did Rhonda do a major glide-and-slide?

All I've ever seen is an in-bred nest of conservative Christian Republicans calling all the shots and getting reelected every time by a bunch of conservative Christian Republican voters, with a single seat exception with that seat having been held by two different people over the time span I've seen, and each of those two seemed the cream of the crop in terms of civic respect for the electorate.

Opinions can differ. Salaries those folks pull down should for certain be posted on the County's web. They make a lot for the work they do, and listing salaries should be prominently displayed, not buried five screens in from the homepage.

They make more than they're worth as I see it. Again, opinions can differ.