
Thursday, February 24, 2022

Talk about cold comfort. From the New York Times, "We won’t publish any part of your submission without contacting you first."

 Boy is that ever one loaded sentence. The entire NYT item:

David Fahrenthold, a reporter for The New York Times, is in Minnesota this week, reporting on the F.B.I.’s investigation into possible fraud involving government programs meant to feed hungry children.

We are examining whether the Minneapolis nonprofit Feeding Our Future, and some of its partners, carried out a scheme to siphon millions of dollars from the Summer Food Service Program and the Child and Adult Care Food Program, both of which are federally funded.

In three applications for search warrants, which were filed in federal court in Minneapolis, the F.B.I. said that it was investigating a “massive fraud scheme” involving misuse of federal funds meant to feed children. To date, no one has been charged with a crime.

If you’re familiar with Feeding Our Future or the allegations against it, we want to hear from you.

We won’t publish any part of your submission without contacting you first.

No byline. Just, contact us, without any on/off record assurances. Jump in, find out?

There reportedly are three publicly open search warrants filed in federal court by the FBI.

Presently unable to find them posted in a convenient pdf form online, nor able to find links without a paywall to get useful copies online of the warrants, posting substantively on Feeding Our Future will be forestalled for now, until later.

It is interesting how the story is unfolding, and readers are encouraged to pursue media coverage, doing their own research. This websearch return list might prove helpful. Strib published this last night. This over a month ago. Sahan Journal, here and here. Dave Orrick, Pioneer Press, a month ago, here. Scott Johnson did some posting at his Powerline outlet earlier this month, aimed by innuendo in substantial part against Rep. Omar (see links, per the above referenced websearch link). 

This YouTube item, still online at time this post is published - a screenshot 2 min into it:


 MPR, chrono order - days apart, here and here.

Later, this post may be updated. I.e., additional Media coverage may be linked and/or quoted, if judged worthy of reader interest. 

For now, Das ist Alles. For today.