
Monday, February 28, 2022

Guradian headline: "Romney: Marjorie Taylor Greene a ‘moron’ for speaking at white nationalist event"

 Link. In discussing MTG, is "for speaking at white nationalist event" necessary?

From the item -

Greene, from Georgia, and Gosar, from Arizona, spoke at the America First Political Action Conference, or AFPAC, organised by the far-right activist Nick Fuentes. Greene defended her attendance, saying she did not know Fuentes or endorse his views.

Calls for the censure of the two Republicans, familiar from previous instances of extreme behaviour, rang out again on Saturday.

Ammar Moussa, a spokesperson for the Democratic National Committee, said: “In any other world, Greene speaking at a white supremacist conference where attendees have defended Vladimir Putin and praised Adolf Hitler would warrant expulsion from the caucus, to say nothing of her advocacy for violence and consistent antisemitism is disgusting.

“Quite simply, the longer [House Republican leader] Kevin McCarthy gives Marjorie Taylor Greene an unfettered platform and promises to elevate her, the more complicit he is.”

So, both sides have morons? 

If you care, websearch = Nick Fuentes

He gets his money from somewhere. Do you suppose web searching will disclose from where? Give it a try? And where did MTG and family get their money? That might be the most relevant question about the Rep. Try searching it. It might  disgust you. It might not.